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June 01, 2005


Ronald Rutherford

Excellent piece!
This post made me think hard about the "illegals" I have met here in California. While I can attest that all the illegals I met were law abiding citizens (Aside from violating our immigration policy). As individuals I can appreciate their hard work and dedication to making their lives better and as a result all of us better off. But as a group of law breakers I can not condon or tolerate violation of the USA borders.
The first I remember was from Sweden that stayed past her visitor visa and ejoyed partying.
The second was from Nigeria and was granted amnesty under Reagan. I met him when he was working for me at retail corporation (32000 employees) and was one of my most loyal and dedicated employees.
I met a messed up young lady from Sri Lanka that was past her work visa and got married to avoid deportation. The only one I felt needed to be deported but understood her desire not to go back to Sri Lanka.
A past girlfriend from the Philipines also was past her visa and after she was laid off she had a tough time finding a job. She asked to marry me but by that time I was involved with someone else. She also had many good traits of hard working and devoted to family and God.
I also met an East Indian that tried a variety of schemes to stay here but ultimately used an H1 visa to stay. But this meant he had to be paid more than what he was getting to justify an H1. Thusly he paid higher taxes than what he should have owed! What devotion to this country when someone says they would be happy to pay more taxes even if no one else does.
Most of the Mexicans or peoples from south did not reveal their us status to me so I don't know. But some would be suspicious if I asked for an ID for retail purposes.

Thanks again for such a great post.


Thanks for the comments RR. This topic is rather personal with me being a San Diegan for so long now. I have two visions in my head of how this may go down. One, SD is so lovely and the rest of the border so blazing miserable in August that all the MM head for the beaches and enjoy America's finest city while trying to continue their PR campaign. Or, riots ending with bloodshed.

The real trouble could occur in Mexicali-Calexico (very pro illegal immigration community), but it is so so hot there in August, I should hope the MM will be discouraged.

I'd really like to see something done about the very serious and under-reported, non-immigration related crime wave festering around the border problem, but we seem to be living in times where complicated problems are avoided if they cannot be handled with simplicity, or complicated problems are excacerbated by over simplified solutions-- like the Minutemen. I wish they'd just stay away. Sometimes the zeitgeist is entertaining, sometimes it's scary.

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