From the KC Star's Mike Hendricks, a column that almost singlehandedly encapsulates the raison d'etre for Also Also:
Jerkism is rampant, particularly when it comes to politics. We have jerks on both the left and the right, unable to express themselves in a civilized manner.
From TV shoutfests, where shrillness counts for reason, to college campuses, where it's considered cute to assault any speaker you disagree with, the jerks are out in force.
Last month someone threw an ice cream pie at neoconservative commentator William Kristol as he gave a speech at a private college in Indiana.
Also in March, over at KU, hecklers shouted down right-wing columnist Ann Coulter.
Naturally, it wasn't easy feeling sorry for Coulter. She herself is a bomb thrower who demonizes the American left as a gang of “traitors.” It's one of her book titles, in fact.
But to combat jerklike behavior by acting like a jerk yourself is the wrong way to go. It just cranks up the heat and leads to more of the same.
Therefore, it's scary to think where it's all heading.
Scary indeed. But as I hinted at in our very first post , snark and bile are so 2004, and over the last couple of weeks it really seems as if we might be turning a corner. With the help of smarties like Hendricks, 2005 might well be remembered as the year the pendulum began the long swing back. Hope, not cynicism! --TJ