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February 21, 2005


Stefan Sharkansky


AS always, I'm flattered by the way you chronicle my life and amused by the spin you put on events: "Sharkansky simply skips over the brief-- and asks the media to join him in supporting an unsupportable exercise."

Don't forget to tell your readers that my (attorney's) arguments follow very closely the arguments made earlier in this matter by lawyers for both of Seattle's daily newspapers...


Welcome again, Stefan.

I'll happily acede to the accusation of spin--but it's pretty much factual spin, isn't it? Your posting on the AG's response doesn't actually appear to address the particulars of the response at all. Because it's such a rare bird lately, I can understand how the facts become just another way to spin things in your eyes.

Thank you also for clarifying the source and support of your arguments in the matter. To amend my original thesis: the Attorney General pretty strongly ridiculed the arguments of the Times and P-I, in addition to your own. You all get to share a beer to cry into, on that one.

While you're here, if you haven't already it would be awesome if you could offer comment on the questions I asked you in part 2 of the Sosin challenge post. I addressed yours.

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